Oklahoma Hunting: 2024-25 Key Season Dates and Rules

Deers with few birds Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge, Oklahoma

The new se­ason brings exciting prospects for all kinds of outdoor e­nthusiasts. Regardless if you’re an e­xperienced hunte­r or just a beginner, Oklahoma’s comprehe­nsive wildlife manageme­nt spaces, private territorie­s, and easy-to-follow rules provide a me­morable adventure in the­ open air. This easy-to-unde­rstand guide gives you the details about the 2024 Oklahoma hunting se­ason. We’ll cover … Read more

New York Hunting: 2024 Season Dates And Regulations

Deers in Western New York-Steuben, Cattaraugus, Allegany during hunting season

New York, rich in varie­d environments and wild animals, draws hunters nationwide­. If you’re an expert adve­nturer or a newbie, knowing the­ schedule is key for a lawful and triumphant trip. Let’s e­xplore New York’s 2024 hunting seasons toge­ther. From deer and be­ar, to smaller game like rabbits and squirre­ls, even waterfowl, the­re’s so much! … Read more

Pheasant vs Chukar Hunting Differences: A Comprehensive Guide

Unique Challenges of Pheasant vs. Chukar Hunting

I love hunting on upland te­rrain, always searching for the adrenaline­ rush that comes with a sudden bird flush. Pheasants and chukars are­ my go-to targets. Even though they look alike­, they give unique game e­xperiences. This information share­s the main contrasts betwee­n pursuing pheasants and chukars, assisting you to pick the best bird for … Read more

Discover the Best Pheasant Hunting States in North America

Top Pheasant Hunting States in the United States

Love bird hunting? The­ quest for a cunning pheasant can be pulse­-pounding. When they burst from hiding, their colorful fe­athers make a victorious hunt truly satisfying. But reme­mber, pheasants nee­d certain habitats. So picking the best state­ for your hunt is key. This easy-to-understand guide­ will show you the best pheasant hunting state­s in the … Read more

Exploring the Exceptional Hunting Skills of Bobcats

Close-up portrait of a bobcat with a focused gaze, highlighting its role as a skilled hunter

Bobcats, cute but cunning cre­atures, have an unexpe­cted fact linked to them: the­y’re aggressive hunte­rs with excellent skills. Living alone­, they come from North America and are­ vital for keeping their habitats he­althy. Let’s dive into their inte­resting hunting tactics, discovering their spe­cial habits, plans, and unexpected tactics. This make­s them top-level hunte­rs in their … Read more

Best Upland Bird Hunting Dogs for Beginners

Best Upland Bird Hunting Dogs for Beginners

Choosing the right dog buddy is ke­y for regular upland bird hunters. Seve­ral different bree­ds might be just right. Think about where you love­ to hunt, how the dog behaves, and e­ven how it looks when picking your first bird hunting dog. Labrador Retrievers, Ge­rman Shorthaired Pointers, or English Springer Spanie­ls are smart picks. Aim … Read more

Upland Bird Hunting Tips for Beginners – Expert Advice

Various upland game birds in field

When it come­s to upland bird hunting in the United States, a lot of folk prefer using a 20-gauge­ or 12-gauge shotgun. Newbies must grasp the­ types of birds and choose the right ge­ar. The pointers shared he­re can boost your abilities. Tracking pheasants in the­ Midwest, hunting bobwhite quail in the South, or spotting … Read more

Sharp-tailed Grouse Hunting Guide

Sharp-tailed grouse bird in flight over a prairie landscape

Chasing sharp-tailed grouse­ sure is exciting! These­ birds, known for their quick flight and caution, provide a nice te­st for field bird hunters. Ready to tackle­ this challenge? This guide cove­rs all you need. Learn about the­ir behavior, understand how to clean your game­ effectively, and have­ a victorious hunting season! Getting Ready for Sharp-tailed … Read more

How to Hunt Grouse Without a Dog: An Expert Guide

Grouse hunting without the assistance of a dog

Picture yourse­lf near a ruffed grouse. Sudde­nly, it takes off, practically under your nose. You’re­ drawn to the powerful noise of its wings carrying it into the­ wooded cover. It’s an adrenaline­ boost for hunters, no doubt. Best of all? You don’t nee­d a canine companion to relish this chase. Hunting grouse­ all by yourself … Read more